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At Indianola I found a good school taught by D. Peebles. which is all the town now requires. 
In many cases the organizations of schools has been delayed by the difficulty of obtaining buildings, and in some cases has been wholly prevented. 
As the School year is now so far advanced and little more can now be done in organizing new School. every effort should be made to increase the efficiency of those now organized, and prepare for the opening of the schools the coming fall.  Buildings should be provided during the summer and arrangement made for a full supply of teachers. These secured would remove the greatest difficulties heretofore experienced and insure the prosperity of the schools the coming year. 
Very Respectfully 
D.L. Allen 
Asst Supt Schools
B.R.F & A.L.


Transcription Notes:
Letter written by Assistant Superintendent of schools in request for school building improvement. Check the words in [ ]