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Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau of R.F. & A.L.,
Beaumont June 29th 1867

Lieut. J T Kirkman
Galveston, Texas

On the 13th of May 1867, I addressed a communication to you calling attention to the case of two men named "James Spillers" and "William Collier", charged with shooting a freedmen in this place; this communication I find has been referred to Bvt Major L.H. Sanger Comdg Post of Woodville; Major Sanger has corresponded with me on this subject, and as I consider the carrying out of the Majors suggestion in this case within all probability defeat the ends of Justice; I have thought it advisable to again submit the matter to Headquarters. I therefore enclose herewith the correspondence between Major Sanger and myself and would respectfully ask a careful consideration of the same by the General Commanding.
For the convenience of reference I have numbered the enclosed correspondence in Red Ink from No 1 to No 4, which will enable the matter to be the better understood; it will be observed by the Terms of letter No 4, that

Transcription Notes:
L.H. Sanger