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No 1  A99
Head Quarters Post of Woodville
Woodville Texas
May 30. 1867.

John H Archer
Sub. Ass't Com' B.R. & .A.L.
Beaumont Texas


Your communication of the 16 inst. to Ass't Adj't & Gen'l B.R.F. & A.L. reporting the facts connected with the two white men James Spilters, and William Collier accused of shooting a F.M.C. and the action of the Disct" Judge in the case, has been referred from Hd Qr"ts "Disct" of Texas, to these Hd Qr"ts".  and I am directed to correspond with you and act in the matter.

If you can not have the securities of the two men ensured for their appearance at next term of the Court,[[strikethrough]] secured [[/strikethrough]] without having a Military force to enable you to do so. Please inform me at once, and I will dispatch