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Office Sub Asst Comr
Columbia Texas
Jany 16th 1866

Bostwick Capt. J.B

States that Mr. J.T Sargent paid to Capt Cochran Thirty Dollars in specie for a Freedman, which Capt Cochran never paid over to the Freedman. gives it as his opinion that there was fraud in the matter.
Encloses affidavit of Mr Sargent who states that he paid the money to Capt Cochrane.

The money referred to was forwarded to Capt B March 26th 66

[[stamp]] RECEIVED JAN 22 1866 [[/stamp]]
B.R.F & A.L. (B. 3) 1866
Rec'd back (D.T.) 26. 66
Rcd Bureau R.F.&A.L. Jany 26. 1866
Rcd Back March 25. 1866 B.R. &c

R.B. 50- 36 B.R.F.&A.L.

Head Quarters Bureau
R.F. & A.L State of Texas
Galveston Jany 22d 1866

Respectfully referred to Maj General Wright
The officer referred to Capt Cochran belongs to the 48th Ohio
It is requested that the subject be investigated

E M Gregory
Brig Genl. Asst Com

Hd. Qrs. Depart. of Texas
Galveston Jany 22. 1866

Respectfully referred to Lt. Col. Lynch. 48th Ohio Vet Vols Comdg Post who will call upon Capt. Cochran for a full and prompt report - These papers to be returned with report -
By Comd of Maj. Genl. Wright

C.H. Whittlesey
Bvt Col. A.A.G.

Hd. Qrs. Depart. of Texas
Galveston - Jany. 26. 1866

Respectfully returned to Brig. Genl. E.M. Gregory, Ass't Commissioner &c, inviting attention to within reports by Capt. Cochran, and Lt. Col. Lynch 48th Ohio Vols.

By Command of
Maj. Genl. Wright
C.H. Whittlesey
Bvt Col. A.A.G.

Letters R B 11