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of contempts committed against them, and from which there is no appeal, that I again respectfully declined to quote any law in the matter. That there is such a tribunal as the Bureau of R.F.&A.L. it woud would be a mere waste of words to either assert or deny; that it is entirely governed by the laws of the United States, it would also be a waste of words to assert or deny what its powers and duties are, must be well known to your Honor, what its Jurisdiction is as a matter entirely within the cognizance of the appellate court, which your Honors court is not. The effect of this writ if sustained would be an anihilation of a tribunal created by the highest soverign power known to the constitution of which your Honors court is a mere creature protected and maintained by said constitution.
Respondent further answers that your applicant answered to the Jurisdiction of this respondent; that he well knew the charges against him and by whom they were preferred, at the time and when he applied to your Honor for this writ; that he, the applicant, carefully and maliciously denied by failing to acknowledge the fact