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Marshall Texas
June 9th 1866.

Lieut Beebee 
In regard to a matter in relation to a writ of Sequestration issued from the office of the Clerk of the Dist. Court of Harrison County and your action on the same while in the hands of the Sherriff of said County and in regard to your action in the communication of the Clerk of the Dist. Court as shown by the Dist Court as shown by the Texas Republican of this date I will state that your conduct has merely supported your position as a U.S. Officer - Allow me to say for myself that I have known you since you came among us, and your conduct in the arduous duties of your office makes you highly acceptable to us.

Yours truly
(Signed.) George Lane
Late Chief Justice of
Harrison County

A true copy.
I M Beebee 
1st Lieut V.R.C. Sub Asst Comr