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Office Sub. Asst Com.
Crockett Houston Co. Tex. Sept 11th 1866

Col. Wm H. Sinclair 

I have the honor to report that a freedmen was shot by a woman of one of the first families last week and as far as I can learn without any provocation on his part. The non-commissioned officer who was with me died on the 8" inst of congestion of the bowels. The cause of his sickness and subsequent death was a spree that he took in town about a week before he died with some of the citizens. Some of the freedmen claim that he was poisoned but that I dont believe it 
notwithstanding he had the idea himself. The District Court adjourned last week after have sentenced four freedmen to the penitentiary and all I think with some justice. Two more were sentenced but through the efforts of a number of the citizens and the candor of the judge, they were let out under bail and