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Hd Qrs Post of Leona Texas
Near Leona, Sept 29 1866

In accordance with instructions received from Hd Qrs 3rd Batt 17 Infty, I have the honor to furnish you with my actual and Brevet Rank. I am Captain in the 17 U.S. Infty to date from Dec 1st 1865: I am Captain by Brevet to date from Aug 1st 1864.
I am, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
J.H. Bradford.
Capt 17 Infty. 
Comdg Post.

Bvt Maj Genl J.B. Kiddoo
Galveston, Texas

Transcription Notes:
Unable to make out a lot of wording and noticed T crosses looks like dashes.