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Goliad Texas November 20th 1866
To General Kiddoo
Dear Sur [[strikethrough]] Sur [[/strikethrough]]having juste seen a petition to bee forwarded to you asking you to appointe one B.H. Camp as agent of the Beaureau for Goliad and Refugio counties I deem it my duty to say to you that he is a mashine which the Rebbles opperate through and wants to secure the agency for a Rebble for instance he now is appointed as Sylsor for the Internal revenue and turns it over to a Rebble By the name of A.N.Smith now he wants this appointmente for one W.W. Dunlapp another Rebble and as I am informed he is a male contractor for a Rebble company he is a little too pliante in securing Pardons for Rebbles further moore he dos note live in Either of thes counties I for one shall proteste against all such so called