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State of Texas
County of Leon
To whom it may concern: Know Ye that I George W. Toole of said count and state make the following statement of my own free will and accord. I have not been induced to do so by any promise of reward or benefit but what justice may be done.

Statement About the last of January 1867 I was employed by J. A Toole to hall from Mrs Mary Webbs cotton gin. situated in said county and state, three bales of cotton to the premises of Sam R. Burroughs. Situated in said county and state on the madisonville road one mile and half from Alabama crossing on Trinity river. After delivering the cotton there on said premises in conversation with B. F. Burroughs He (B F Burroughs) remarked in my presence that the said three bales of cotton did actually belong to his son Sam R Burroughs who was at that time in the city of Galveston. The said B. F. Burroughs also stated at the Same Time and the place that he wished that the bales of cotton was gold and his son (the said Sam R. Burroughs) had the money in his pocket. 

George W. Toole

Sworn and subscribed to before me day and date here of Apr 10th 1867