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Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,

Sterling Sept 18, 1806

I have the honor to report that in my recent trip to Dallas - I stopped in Ellis Co - I found affairs in a miserable condition - the freedmen were earning very little wage & doing very little work - they have little hatches & work a few days at one place & then a few days at somewhere else - there is no enforcement of your order No 14 there, nor in Dallas County - consequently there is no stability in the labor & it is not worth near as much - by 1/3 or 1/2 as the freedmen get in this county (Robertson). - At the petition of the citizens at Milford - relative to some idlers & vagrants - I assign some to duty, I broke up a house of ill-fame & made a contract for some of the parties which I enclose you - I would recommend General, that you issue an order relative to vagrants & persons without visible honest means of support, & whenever an agent is convinced that they are living by dishonest