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would take all the advantage of the freemen thy could. 

The only trouble that I anticipate now is in obtaining a fair division of the crop, but as I am acquainted with the character of nearly every planter of any note in the county. I am fully confident that I can do it. 

The Probate court of this county has lately bound out a number of Colored orphan children, under the same laws, and condition that white children are. I have not objected to it as yet, but propose to allow them to continue to do so without I receive contrary instruction from Headquarters

I am Col,
Very Respt
Your Obt Servt
A.B. Coggeshall
Capt and Sub Asst. Comr

Bvt. Col Wm. Sinclair

Transcription Notes:
Alex B. Coggeshall was appointed to the new district.