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cancelled them.  In the evening the sheriff served three writs from Mr Longworth when I took charge of him.  Threats were made that the sheriff with a force would take him. And the next day being the beginning of court week and there being nothing left in the clerks or justices office upon which to base new writs I thought prudent to quietly take charge of the writs also and make a clean sweep of the thing.

I sent an escort a short way with Mr Longworth on his way to Wilson County this morning.

This forenoon Judge Ireland instructed the Grand Jury to the effect that the Constitution was the Supreme law of the land, that he wished them to notice that it had come to their knowledge that a certain military officer had obstructed the records of the court & Justice Officer which he pronounced theft. It is said I will be arrested, &c, &c.

I am Sir, Very Resp'ly Your Obedt. Servt
S. A. Craig, Capt VRC
& Sub Asst Com'r