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Freestone County Texas October 16th / 66
Genl. Kiddoo,
Commandant of
Freedman Dept of the West &c

I address you for information in regard to certain rights that I think Freedman have which I think they are not likely to get in this country viz

Question 1st.
Has a Freedman the right to dispose of his Corn or Cotton at any time he sees proper. Some up here contend & are holding on to their Corn against the Freedmans wishes & it is calculated to injure the Freedman without any just cause on their part.

Question 2d
Have Freedmen the right to reserve plenty of corn for themselves & Family for Bread - regardless of force same as White men

Question 3d
Where parties sell them supplies &c on the strenght of the crop they are making & they want to pay their full debts can the