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Civil authorities at this place and myself and that is in regard to the Apprentice bond of the late Legislation. They claim that under that law they have the right to bind out minors (free) I am fuly satisfied that in some cases it would be for the interest of the minors to be bound out; to some Planter would take good care of it, but at the same time the law gives us opportunity for a great deal of injustice to be done, some of the Planters would have children bound out to them, who have relatives who are both willing and anxious to provide for them. There is a case of this kind now before the court, and the action of which I have protested against. It is a self evident fact that the Planter only want the minor for the work that it may be able to do now in my opinion if a child (minor) is able to work one of it own color (especially relation) should receive the benefit of that labor.
I would be pleased to receive some definite instruction in regard to such cases. 
I would respectfully call attention to the necessity of aproving a school at his point for the freedmen, a very large school could be raised here. I done all in my power to start