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Brenham - Washington Co.
Texas March 4. 1867

I have the honor to report the following murder of a Freedman which was committed in this County and brought to my notice by the father of the victim.

Robert Wright alias Porter late Private of Co. H. 96th (Colered) U.S. Infantry killed on the night of the 25th ult about 9 o'clock on the road between Messrs W. William's & Albert Haines houses near Independence Washington Co. by Harry Haines in company with another person name unknown - under the following circumstances.

Wright who was a colored man & nearly white, had been on Haines place where he was attacked by a dog which he killed with a shot-gun, he having been hunting, he then started for home, was followed, and shot - living long enough to reach home and make the foregoing statement to his father. 

The murdered man was discharged with

Transcription Notes:
ult (or ulto) means "of last month" Messrs (Misters) is plural of Mr. (Mister) Use "&" when the writer uses the "+" in place of "and" (we save the plus sign for transcribing math)