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could about obtaining hands, I did advise him to go to Mr. Shutze for hands, but he knows well that I was not interested with him, and he also knows that I had not even helped my brother in law. I do not wish to say anything more about Mr. Rowand then this. I have but very little of opinion of any man, who after having fought four years for certain principles, (as he claims to have done) should after hoping to get into a community when those principles are unpopular, forsake them, this I told him at the public bath at the Hotel, since which time we have not been very friendly and this may account for his trying to inform me 

If you would like to know any further in regard to the character of this man, I respectfully refer you to Lt Clemens of the 35th U.S. Inft. and late Post Quartermaster at this point. 

The above are the whole facts in the case, and these I can substanciate, and probably by Capt Porter himself, by this time, I believe I have done my duty while at Bastrop as conscientiously as any person could. If I was interested with anyone I would certainly return there, instead of trying to be retained in the Bureau. I have been in the army since /61, and have not been home but once during that time and that was three years ago when I reenlisted. I am now about to be mustered out; and to be frank I have not got the mony to pay the incidental expenses of myself and wife to my home, consequently I have no other resource but to be retained in the Bureau for a support and I most respectfully beg that I be retained if possible. I also respectfully refer you to a slip of paper cut out of the Bastrop paper. Hoping the above will be satisfactory I remain 

Your Obt. Servt
Alex. B Coggeshall
Capt. 44" U.S.C.T.