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shown to have in his possession & control an amount of property much larger than 7000$. He was shown to hold a large amount of property and to owe a large amount and to be worth over and above his indebtedness 7 or 8000$.

An examination of these facts was had in open court before the Judge, who thereupon fixed the bond at the amount over and above his debts.  The District Attorney conversed with the witness before his examination in open court, and was satisfied that the bond should be fixed at that amount.  

My own opinion on this subject is and always has been that, where a party has in his ownership large means, and a bond for a crime has to be fixed upon, the amount of that Bond should be determined by the crime, by the effect he owns, without striking the balance of debt and credit for the party. It should be made large so as is secure beyond a doubt, the attendance of the Defendant upon the sittings of the Court, and if at any time his sureties should deliver him