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L.J. Farrar Dist Atty. Ex of Prosecutor
A true bill - Foreman of Grand Jury

{ L.D. Bradley, N.L. Womack William
Cotten T.B. Grayson, G.K. Anderson, James
Rogers, Andrew C. Love } Witnesses  

Filed March 6th ad 1867, Wm Cotten
Clerk Dist Court. Freestone Country.

Upon the above indictment being filed in court a Capias issued to the Sheriff from under the hand of the Clerk commanding him to "take the body of William A Milner and him safely keep, so that you have him before the Hon District Court instanter" Issued 6th March 1867.

Upon which Capias the Sheriff made the following return the Sheriff "Received in office & executed by arresting the body of William A Milner, and having the said William A Milner in custody ready to be produced in Court March the 6th 1867. Geo. T. Bradley, Shff F.C."

At the Spring Term AD 1867 March 6th a subpoena was issued by the State for the witnesses L.D. Bradley, N.L. Womack, William Cotten, T.B. Grayson, G.K. Anderson, James Rogers and Andrew C. Love.

March 7th 1867 A second subpoena was issued by the state for additional witnesses, B.R. Echols, W.T. Watson H.G Anderson & Wood Noland.

March 7th 1867 a subpoena was