Viewing page 271 of 290

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and I can buy all the cotton you want and ship you with out your remaining if you wish to return. I am Clk of the Shebang and have inside show on Negroes Cotton but would prefer to have you here or some agt of your house so that I can do the selling and you the Buying the philosophy of which you can readly see.  I cannot be known in the business while I hold a Govt appointment do not delay in coming or sending some one [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] come yourself if you can and make arrangements and then you can intrust it to a second responsible party if you desire. There have been but little cotton shipped from here this winter and Maj Manning informs me that there is a large amt of Negroes Cotton and it all can be bought here write on receipt and inform me what you think about coming and excuse haste.
Yours &
Wm A. Taylor

Transcription Notes:
See page 277 and 281 - same letter, except date (on 280); different handwriting and other small differences.