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Waco "Texas"
January 8th 1867

A.F. Chandler Esq
Dear Sir
According to promise I haste to write you concerning Cotton Business &c at this point not before stating first however that I arrived safe Saturday evening all O.K. minus Valise Clothes Papers &c therein which fell off the stage through the carelessness of the driver. The next stage however brought it up all hunky-dora - and yours truly revels in a cocked hat and white collar this morning. Found everything lovely and my arrival anticipated. Was informed a large amt of cotton changed hands on the day of my arrival (    ) niggers day at from 12 to 13½¢. I have assurance of all assistance here from "Buro" necessary and a lot of 300 Bales are to be seized in a few days which Manning Bureau Agent thinks can be bought cheap. Come up if you can and make arrangements in regards to funds and I can buy all the cotton you want and ship you without your remaining here if you wish to return. 

I am Clk of the Shebang and have inside show of Negroes Cotton but would prefer you to have you here or some agent of your house so that I can do the selling and you the Buying the Philosophy 

Transcription Notes:
See also page 270 and 280 - same letter, except date on 280; different handwriting and other small differences.