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The State of Texas
County of Limestone

We the undersigned Freedmen do hereby certify on oath that we have been hired & employed by John Love (also a Freedman) the previous year on his farm in said county & state as laborers & that we are perfectly satisfied & are willing for the said John Love to ship & sell our cotton & make returns to us for the same. We also certify that a portion of said crop has been seized by one Maj. Manning of Waco, which seizure was said to be made for our benefit & behalf.

We further certify that the said Maj. Manning seized & took in possession said portion of crop without our knowledge or consent & we earnestly pray that your honor would order the said Maj. Manning to release the said portion of crop unto the hands of the said John Love for shipment.

We further certify that we believe false statements have been made to the said Maj. Manning which caused him to make the seizure.

We further certify that we are employed by the said John Love for the present year on the aforesaid farm.

We also certify that we are not willing, for the said Maj Manning to ship or sell our crop nor have anything to do with same and we shall ever pray that the above petition may be granted us.