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Tuesday June 11" 1872.
Last evening Gertrude and I returned from New York where we went three weeks ago today. During my absence I finished the picture "Kaatskill Woods" which Mr. Hoe bought of me while I was sick, besides a picture for Mr. Dunning and another Kaatskill brook which I laid in two years ago and which I intend for Mr. Chickering. We attended the unveiling of Ward's statue of Shakespeare, one of the most artistic festivals ever held in this country, visited the Art Museum for the first time and saw Turners "Slave Ship" which I enjoyed as the bold expression of a great artist and as a piece of full rich color, but which is entirely outside of criticism from a naturalistic point of view. We spent an evening quietly with Bayard Taylor and his wife, and then one with us. Dined at Dr Drapers, at Averys, at Vaux's and at Eastman Johnsons in his new city house in 55th St. The Taylors sailed in the Hamburg steamer Westphalia June 6.  Thompson and I went over to see them off. Mrs Taylor was a little sad but Taylor was as always in fine spirits. On our way back to N.Y. we called at the Cooks in Hoboken and saw them all. The weather all the while we were in the city was cool and pleasant and next year I think I would like to remain there until June 1. The Durand pic-nic came off Saturday Jun 8 and was a perfect success. It had rained in the morning but cleared off before it was time for us to go but the roads were so wet that we had our table spread in the wide veranda of his house where we remained the whole day and every one seemed to enjoy it to the utmost. Nearly all came who promised to. Mr. Bryant came all the way from