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6 Roslyn in spite of the threatening weather. I was sure he would come if it were possible, and he seemed to enjoy the occasion exceedingly and made a nice little address at the lunch table. Kensett was there with a young Philadelphia lady. Gifford and his sister Mary, Whittredge & his wife Cranch, Geo. Hall, Wm. Hart & wife, Mr & Mrs. Hicks, Hubbard, Mr. & Mrs. David Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Eastman Johnson, Mr & Mrs. Page, Ward, Falconer, Volmering, Brevoort and Miss Bascom, tenders all Mr Durands and Mr. Woodmans families and a Miss Hasbrouck and Miss Peck visiting there. Mr. Durand acknowledged the compliment in a speech which showed how deeply he was touched in his remembrance of the artists. It was a most satisfactory day and I shall always remember with gratification that my suggestion was so heartily responded to and that we were able to show in so fitting a way our veneration for the old man. I received a letter from John Durand just before I left the city in which he told me the affair had had the happiest effect on his father. He had walked nearly over the Grange Mountain and was in the best of spirits. My greatest satisfaction is in the happiness it has afforded him. Downing went back to New York this morning. Dear little fellow, it was not without a pang that I bade him good bye for he is so good a companion so kind and amiable that I shall miss him sadly. He is going to spend the summer in the Adirondacs with Loring Brace and is most enthusiastic over the idea. What good times those two boys will have. I envy them their enjoyment and still more their capacity for enjoyment. I wrote to Mr. Horace Fairbanks a few days ago offering him my "Venice," which he liked, for $900 including frame.