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16 plants and setting them into two urns of Wilsons" and two of "Agriculturist" I also made a box to send Dormans picture in. Yesterday was like an early Autumn day. We had a fire in the Franklin in the dining room in the morning. This morning I took my little picture of an English cottage out into the garden and painted in some cabbages, vines and flowers. This afternoon there is a cold rain. Friday Aug 30. Spent a good part of the day rearranging the fastenings of my sketching box. It has been a lovely half autumnal day. Calvert and Mary came in the evening and later Girard Saturday Aug 31. Consumed the forenoon in making a frame for my sketching box to hold my mill boards. It takes a long experience to get a sketch box all right. In the afternoon Calvert, Dorning and I took a walk across Jacob Valley to the "Keykout" where I think I may have been once before many years ago. The Walkill Valley Rail Road which we crossed at its intersection with the old Milbin road has been graded for a year or more and the track is not laid within two miles of Kingston. Jacobs Valley has undergone many transformations since the days when I used to catch trout there. It is a great pity that the two villages had not secured this and a space each side of it for a park. It could have been made a charming place. Sunday Sept. 1" 1872 Calvert and I took a walk shortly after breakfast out through Ludlums woods and beyond. It was sufficiently warm in the sunshine but we were too cool in the shade. We cut down on the rocks in the rear of Terrys farm overlooking Kingston and talked art and smoked our pipes and speculated on many things