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dinner Mr. and Mrs. Sargent called. Mr. Sargent remembered my having been at his house nearly twenty years ago with Calvit. When I went to take the train Mr. and Mrs. Monell rode along and drove around by Mattianan to show me the library which Mr. Howland built and presented to the town. John McEntee went down on the train with me and when I arrived at the depot I found him there so we came home together. A delegation of Greely men were at the Rhinebeck station when we went over to meet the Hon. Francis Kernan the Greely candidate for governor. I was struck with the curious medley of old, venomous copperheads and the men who were faithful through the war. I fancied some of the Republicans were a little ashamed of their company. I am sure I should have been. I mailed a letter to Bayard Taylor at Sotha today. The weather has been charming for a couple of days. Today I have been painting and with a little better success than heretofore. I improved my little law up at Hudson and in the afternoon took a walk over toward [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Jacob Valley. I get so lonely and melancholy when I walk alone that I dread to go but today I resisted the feeling and enjoyed my walk.

Sunday, Nov. 10 1872. We left Rondout and came to New York for the winter on Thursday Nov. 7. It was a trial to come and leave my father and mother nearly alone there. Sara is in N.Y. and only Maurice is home and he is only there in the evening. Mary Gifford came down on Friday and we prevailed upon her to stay all night with us. We fixed up my little bed which I got when I was sick and made her quite comfortable. We had Sanford to dinner with us and just before we had finished Mary and Sara came in but as Sandford had got tickets for the theater we had to leave. They walked up with us and we went to see Pygmalion and Galatin at Wallachs which didn't interest me much. May Gifford went home yesterday. A Mr. Sullivan called who had come here about six weeks ago with an English gentleman who wanted to buy one of my pictures. He inquired the price of the Chickering picture and also the one I painted for Darman and is going to write to him. Since the election people talk encouragingly about business and predict a prosperous season for art. The Belmont collection is offered for 

Transcription Notes:
Names of people and places are best guesses