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37 among all my pictures without considering. These things every day occurring show me how I fail to address in my pictures the great mass of picture buyers. I can't get used to it and feel every time the wound afresh - Gertrude and I went to hear one of the most regional and characteristic entertainment this evening that I have ever listened to, the "Jubilee Singers" from the Fiske University in their thoroughly characteristic negro hymns and songs. Steinway Hall was filled with a sympathetic audience. I received a long and confidential letter from Bayard Taylor. Sunday Jan. 19. Note to Bayard Taylor, to Maurice, and a note to Osgood asking him if he would care to look at a translation which Gertrude is making, of George Sands, Master Mosaicists, with a view to publishing it if he deems it doable. She knows nothing of it. Thursday Jan 23. We had a reception at the Studio Building today which seems to have been a success so far as numbers and respectability of the visitors is concerned. The wealth of New York was out in full force and (its ignorance of art too) Tenth Street was full of carriages all the afternoon. I had decided not to offer my room but learning that I was expected to do so I reluctantly yielded. On the whole I rather enjoyed it, I was so much less disagreeable than I had apprehended. Among the guests was Miss Emily Faithful the English reformer and friend of the working women. Mr. Bryant and Parke Godwin were here but the large majority of visitors were ladies. - I wrote to Mrs. Cook last evening after hearing of the death of her sister-in-law Mrs. Walker wife of Hon. Robt. J. Walker. - I saw by the paper this morning the death of Mr. Rand the Artist. I presumed he died in poverty if not in neglect. He was the inventor of the collapsible tubes for holding colors and was at one time a successful artist, having been entertained in the best families of England during a visit there. Monday Jan 27. On Friday evening we attended a reception of the working women of N.Y. to Miss Faithfull in Steinway Hall. Mrs. H. M. Field delivered an address introducing