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41 not get a bid on. Whittridge was there and he told me it was terrible. Went to Wilmarts and saw my picture boxed for England. Called on McGrath who is in the dumps, and tried to cheer him up a little. From there to Wells, Fargo & Co's to see about getting my picture off by tomorrows steamer. Am in hopes it will go but am not sure. Pd. freight on it and had it insured by them for half its value $500. The Freight was 13.70 and the insurance $5. Saturday Feb. 15. Went to a "very informal reception at Mrs. Fields and found a perfect crush of people. I left as soon as possible and fled to the country. Sunday 16. Rained and I staid at home and made a sketch of "The Wings of the Morning" which I have been thinking of for years. It was not very successful. In the evening went over to Vaux's to meet Mr & Mrs Monell Mr & Mrs Withers and the Olmsteads. It had snowed nearly all day and turned to rain so that the streets were in a horrible condition. Monday 17 My picture went by Saturdays steamer I went to the academy and had a look at the water colors. In the evening Gertrude and I attended an amateur operatic performance at Apollo Hall by invitation of Mrs. Romeyn which was really much more enjoyable then I thought an amateur performance could be. Received a letter from Larry from Rome. He feels Kennetts loss very deeply and his letter was all about him Tuesday Feb. 18: Mr. Hurlbert came in today with his wife, two other ladies and Mr. Hawk. After some discussion he took my brook scene near Scribners, for $400. Church came in and kindly, but rather persistently, I thought recommended him to take this when I hoped he would take my "October in the Kaatskills" I confess I was disappointed.