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I received a letter today from Williams & Everett asking me to exchange the study of "Sea from Shore" I sold them for auction. I agreed to do so when I sold it to them, if they wished and I have written them that I have two pictures same size in my studio "Scribners Mill" and the stream with the birch on the left a little pen sketch of each of which I enclosed in the letter telling them they may have either one in exchange but this selection is to be final and to close that transaction and that I will sell them the remaining one for the same price they paid me for the "Sea from Shore" ($175) that I do not care to send both unless they agree to take both.

Sunday June 29, 1873. Mary came [[strikethrough]] Saturday [[/strikethrough]] Friday afternoon and Bowyer & young Radford in the evening with the Powell. Vaux came by a late train after we had all gone to bed. Saturday May awoke me early and said Calvert would like to go to the mountains if I cared to; so we got our breakfast at half past six and took the train out to Shandaken Centre arriving there at 9. We walked up the road towards Deep Hollow about a mile and a half and got into the woods along the stream where we staid until 3 o'clock talking and keeping ourselves cool. Laura and Dwight left this morning for the cove and from there they are going home. Mrs. Church has written to Gertrude again urging us to come up there for a long visit and Church wants to go sketching. I dont know what to do about going. If I thought we would really make a business of sketching I would go but I haven't much confidence in the results of visiting and sketching together. I wish Gifford or Whitterd would go and settle down for sketching somewhere, I would like to join them. I wish Gifford would write me what he intends to do.

Monday June 30" My father and his brothers (except  Uncle Charles) left this morning for Western where they are going to visit the scenes of their childhood. They were a good deal affected when they bade us good bye, impressed by the thought that it was probably the last time they would ever come here. The weather is intensely hot and dry and home has more attractions than