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sketch of a sky this morning and did some chair mending besides. I made a little coffin for Marion, for Dandys remains, from a cigar box and she thinks it quite too good to be buried. She and Sara came home from High Falls today. Mary and Julia went to New York this morning. I have received no word from Gifford and have written Bowyer that I will not come out unless Gifford should come. I finished a letter to Gertrude which I commenced on Monday. Received a letter from Marion relative to my pictures for Louisville and Cincinnatti.  

Saturday July 12. I made a sketch of twilight this forenoon which is pretty bad. What few ideas I used to have seem to have vanished. I wrote to [[?]] this afternoon to send my "Sea from Shore" to Louisville and the "November" and the "Kaatskill Woods" to Cincinnati. I also wrote to Mr. Storer of Cincinnati that I had ordered the pictures sent and named the price of each $1250. I wrote also to Mr. Maginniss of the Louisville Exposition giving him the price of the "Sea from Shore" $1250. I received a telegram from Gifford this afternoon saying he had just arrived at home and found my note and that he could not come on Monday. Bowyer and Fred Stedman came home this afternoon having had a very successful trip among the mountains. I received a letter from Gertrude who has arrived safely at her Father's. Mary and Calvert came up in the Powell this evening. I went down and brought them up. The weather continues perfect. I am not accomplishing much but I wait until the season is more advanced. The landscape is beautiful now but it does not suggest pictures to me as it does later 

Sunday 13. I wrote to Silleck again today to see if he has received my letter of eight or ten days ago regarding the two pictures I wanted him to send to Boston. My head felt badly all day and in the night I had one of my violent headaches. 

Monday 14. I am forty five years old today and I write down each recurring birthday henceforth with a feeling of regret. The years go so fast. I felt pretty badly all day until towards evening. Today and yesterday have been very