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pictures. The day reminded me continually of the Kensett. Girard came up by the Powell for his annual fortnight vacation. I have just finished Mireio. I dont think I am as fond of verse as I used to be but I was charmed with this delightful story. Now I have commenced Howells "Chance Acquaintance" fragments of which I have read, but strangely I have no desire to paint, or rather I begin to fuel the need of going somewhere where I can paint.

Sunday Aug 3, 1873. We have had two splendid showers this afternoon and towards sunset a double rainbow. Mr. Fawkes dined with us and spent the afternoon. I wrote to Gertrude and finished my letter to Sussie.

Monday 4. Bowyer and I walked down to the boat immediately after breakfast intending to go down the river to be gone all day. The wind blew strong from the North however and we went up the creek instead. We fished awhile under the dam at Eddyville with but little success and came back slowly to Steep Rocks reaching home a little after six. I found a letter from Gertrude written on Saturday and a postal card from her wanting to know why I did not write when in fact I have written every three or four days.

Tuesday 5. This has been one of the loveliest of days and
tonight the moon is nearly full and the air is like October. Mrs. Swan arrived today. Received a letter from Eastman Johnson telling me to come, and one from Gertrude delighted to go there and with the prospect of our being together again. Telegraphed to the Fall River steamer for a state Room on friday and wrote Johnson I would be there Saturday and Gertrude to meet me Saturday at Woods Hole by the morning train from Boston. Began my preparations to go on friday getting my sketching materials &c ready.

Wednesday 6. Spent the forenoon arranging my affairs for my journey. In the afternoon went to the village to do some errands. The weather is all one could wish and has been for several days. A most energistic article appeared in todays Tribune on Vaux's plan for the Centennial Building designating it as far the best plan there. The competition was decided in Philadelphia today but is not to be made public until tomorrow. I am all anxiety, but I feel most hopeful for Vaux's success. 

Transcription Notes:
3rd paragraph middle search for instead, lots of[[?]] to decipher. (per instructions, please don't mark complete with more than 2 [[?]]) - NOT COMPLETE The title of the book that Jervis McEntee said he finished reading looks like "Mireis".