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Friday Aug 29. 1873. The whole family went on a pic nic to Leggs Mills today. Unfortunately there was a Sunday school pic nic there so that we went down the creek instead of remaining in the usual place. We spent the whole day there and did not get home until after dark. Mrs. Swan came up yesterday with her neice [[niece]] and returned today. Vaux and Dr Emerson came this evening

Saturday 30" John Olmstead arrived this morning to visit Bayer, Vaux, Dr Emerson and I took a walk up along the creek on the other side, there up the valley opposite Milbern and around the hill to the ferry. It was very hot. I received a letter from Mr. Moore in answer to mine. He is not able to pay me any money yet as he has not sold any of the pictures bought of me. It is strange I do not hear from Church. I wrote him last Monday. Vaux saw him on Wednesday in New York and he told him he was waiting to hear from me and looking forward to our visit there. If we dont go there soon I cannot go at all as I want to get into the mountains by the middle of September Julia Dillon asked Gertrude if I would let her occupy my studio over at my house and I was obliged to comply, so that I am at last dispossessed of the place which I reserved for our furniture &c. I only let her in temporarily for I have about made up my mind to have my studio put in order this fall so that I can work there myself. It would be a great advantage for me if I had a place to work in and I have about considered to go in debt for it a thing I hate to do. Perhaps I will sell one of my pictures at Cincinnati. In that event I could do it nicely.

Sunday 31. We had rain this afternoon. I wrote to Alice Sawyer, to Eastman Johnson, to Silleck ordering a small frame and Gertrude wrote to Gussie

Monday Sept. 1" 1873. Here begins the Autumn but it has been one of the warmest days. Vaux & Dr Emerson went to New York by the morning train and I painted a couple of sketches, one for Lucy to give to their regimental Doctor and an effect I saw on the river the day we came from Nantucket. Girard was home on Sunday and told me that Peter H[[?]] had spoken to him several times about getting one of my pictures. I made him a memorandum of the pictures I have and the prices as follows

Transcription Notes:
fill in blanks please I think Peter H's last name is Haver or Hare. Peter H's last name is not clear. Maybe the Smithsonian folks will know.