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Monday Nov. 17th 1873. Gertrude Maurice and I took a walk last evening out beyond Ludlow's woods. Hussey Hill looked so finely in a soft grey atmosphere and across the snowy landscape that this morning I hurried off after breakfast taking "Pepper" with me and got a pencil note of the lines which struck me yesterday. The effect was different but charming. It was quite cold and occasional flurries of snow filled the air., but the thin coating of snow gave accent to certain points in the grey aspect of the landscape and I thought it a charming effect. I hurried home and immediately commenced a sketch of it in color which I finished and which pleases me considerably. May and Marian came up today. I received a very nice friendly note from Mr. De Forest in answer to missive of Friday in which he says his sister voluntarily spoke a few days ago of getting a picture of me and that he will speak to her about it. I commenced the letter telling him I would sell either of my four pictures. "October in the Kaatskills" "November" "Sea from Shore" or "Kaatskill woods for $1000 and $75 for the frame of either one. The wind is blowing a gale as I go to bed and it is snowing. I enjoy it all, and have thoroughly enjoyed these last few grey days with the first snow. These are picturesque days and full of a quiet sentiment that is congenial to me.

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Tuesday 18" It snowed furiously all last night and a North East gale blew the snow into drifts. I went out for a walk in the afternoon and had to wade through drifts up to my middle. Gertrude and I spent today making a little sketch of a bit I got while we were out, but with indifferent success. There were grand effects today after the storm abated, squalls sifting along the mountains which were very fine in color. The purity and depth of the winter color particularly under these clearing up effects strikes me afresh.

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Wednesday 19 Just as I was hoping for a successful issue to my letter to Mr. De Forest came one from him today saying that his sister had concluded she could not get one of my pictures this winter. It made me very despondent for in spite of myself, I had built up such hopes upon her taking it that the winter looked much more inviting. He had not however received my last letter. Still I am afraid this will make no difference. I fight against disappointment but but it has seriously affected my day in spite of myself. I painted as usual and in the afternoon took a long