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for the Century meeting next Saturday. The little Winter which I called "Saturday Afternoon" and the Entrance to the Highlands. Wrote to Fitch that I wanted $300 for each of them but would take $250. Cautioned him not to urge any one to buy them. Had the sleigh got ready and took the box down through the snow storm and got there just in time for the Express. Went to Kingston and saw Dederich about making me some stretchers. Began a little Skating scene in the afternoon with the sky I saw Sunday.

Wednesday Dec. 3. 1873. Painted on my little Winter today. Gertrude went to the dress makers in Kingston and did not come home to dinner. After dinner I had the horse harnessed to the sleigh and I went after her to take a ride. We went out on the Saugerties road and crossed over to the Flat bush road near the church. A thaw set in today and it rained a little before we reached home but we had a nice ride.

Thursday 4. Began a picture 16 x 26, a late Autumn nearly the same as the 12 x 20 picture I painted last week. I want to be ready for whoever may want a picture for $500. It rained in the night and during the day and the snow has disappeared as if by magic. I took a walk back of O'Riellys and around the cemetery. The fields are nearly bare and there was a plenty of mud. Received a letter from Gussie.

Saturday 6" Yesterday I painted as usual and a little after three 0'clock took a walk out to the "Roa-tina" The snow was nearly gone but there was ice in the roads and paths making the walking difficult. Poor little Pepper will not go with me any more. He seems to be ill and acts strangely since he was run over and is afraid of me evidently thinking I was the cause of his disaster. Annie and Lillie and Camelia Ellis spent the day here. Today I have painted after helping get out the hall stove which had to be sent away for repairs. Gertrude and I took a walk around the end of the cemetery. The weather keeps just below the freezing point.

Tuesday 9. I have finished reading for the second time Renan's Life of Jesus. The first time I did not read it sufficiently carefully, this time I fully comprehended his theory and I confess it accords almost entirely with my own convictions. It seems to me sound and logical and more comprehensible than any religious defense I know of. Yesterday 

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