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morning I walked out to the "Roatina" after breakfast. The ground was frozen and the walking excellent allowing me to go any where I enjoyed my walk exceedingly. After I came back I painted the remainder of the day. General Armstrong, principal of the Hampton School for educating the blacks came here this afternoon with a letter of introduction from Major Wilkinson. He is in charge of a company of the students who give of the characteristic Negro Music like the Jubilee Singers. We of course invited him to stay with us and in the evening we all went to the concert which was a great success in every way. The General staid with us one night and left this morning. We found him intelligent, liberal and entertaining and enjoyed his visit very much.

Wednesday Dec. 10" 1873. There was a favorable notice of the pictures at the Century last Saturday night in yesterdays Tribune among them my two the "Winter Saturday Afternoon" but particularly the "Entrance to the Highlands" Church had his new picture there and Benson came out with a picture which was the sensation of the evening for its excellence for which I am very glad as he has never had any success. I painted on a little picture with skaters this forenoon and spent the afternoon walking as I did not feel very well. The weather was very mild, the snow nearly all gone and plenty of mud in its place. I went clear around the "Roatina" over the bluffs and came back across the fields. To my great regret I came upon the new foundation for a house on the hill back of the Alms house where I heard the sound of a drill a week or more ago. All the quiet places are going fast. Vaux sent me a check for $190 the balance of what he owed me on a picture and told me something about the Centennial which is confidential. I also had a letter from Mary telling me of the death of Alfred Vaux, Calvert's brother whom we met in England. He died in India and left a wife and four children I am afraid unprovided for. The Cuban difficulty according to the Tribune is at last settled and no more trouble is apprehended.

Friday 12. A rainy day. Painted all day but do not seem to succeed very well with my picture. Received a note from Fitch and one from Mr. Moore enclosing check for $80. Yesterday

Transcription Notes:
first syllable connected to beginning of word on prior page