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Sunday Jan. 11. 1874. Painted all day yesterday under unfavorable conditions of light but mostly in arranging accessories on my picture. Took a brisk walk towards evening. Saw a lot of boys breaking up the ice in a little pond. One fellow was up to his middle in water. As I passed a pit where O Reilly had been exploring for cement there was a sudden explosion at my very feet and out popped two boys who had been firing at a mark. They did not see me and the incident was very comical. I painted today because the light was favorable and I am anxious to get this picture along so that I can go to New York. I have got a very good head, nice thoughtful face and dont mean to do much more to it. John McEntee and I took a long walk over to the [[R?]] which which had more water in it than I ever saw before. It was pretty muddy but a brisk North west wind blew and we had a charming walk In the evening I went with my mother to hear Mr. Ledyards funeral sermon

Sunday 12. Painted during the forenoon on details of my picture, finishing and changing the landscape out the window. After dinner went down town and paid my taxes [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] had my hair cut and did several errands. Received letters from Eastman Johnson, Moore and Girard. Eastman wrote in a hurry but expressing no surprise that I was trying figures. Moore wrote in rather an injured tone and sending me $130. I replied immediately to the effect that I was the one to complain and not he. Answered Girards letter. The weather is colder but there is not a bit of ice in the river between New York and Troy and Caspar told me that a schooner loaded with stone sailed from here to New York a day or two ago.

Wednesday 14" Painted on my figure. Received a letter from Gifford yesterday in which he tells me he has sold my little Picture "Entrance to the Hudson Highlands" 12 x 20 to Mrs. Stone for either $250 or $300 he forgets which but he thinks the latter, for either of which I shall be glad. Received a letter from Gussie. I about completed all I can do to my "Solitaire" here. I shall finish the Cabinet in it and some of the accessories after I get to New York. Recd from Gifford a letter of Coales who wants me to send a picture to the charity fair at Baltimore on friday as he thinks he could sell it for me. I answered the letters (to Gifford) but it is too late. It snowed all night and nearly all day and now seems to be getting colder. Took a walk towards Jacobs Valley and saw lovely winter effects.