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Thursday Jan 15 1874. Painted on the feet and head ornament in my "Solitare" this morning. After dinner came to Kingston. It was very cold. Then to Rondout for the mail. Recd a letter from Mary, and from Sara and one from Millicent telling me my frames would be done as ordered. Have begun to get my things together to go to New York. Ordered a box from Dederick today to pack my pictures in. Wrote to Ulrich for nine stretchers. Maurice called home last [[strikethrough]] Saturday [[/strikethrough]] Monday after having been gone two days and has kept his room ever since. I think he has left or been sent away from the Freeman. He gives us all great anxiety.  

Friday 16. The wind blew a gale all night and it is very cold today. The wind is full of ice again and the creek is frozen over, while yesterday a schooner sailed from the cement works with a load of cement. I spent a part of the day packing my lunch and getting things together for my departure. Julia and Lily came up to see my pictures before packing them and Julia remained to tea. Maurice came out to dinner, looking pretty wretched. 

Saturday 17. We found Maurice in a very bad condition today, but Gertrude has devoted herself to him and now (midnight) he is himself again. The remedy she gave was Belladonna every hour.  Gertrude and I went to Kingston this morning to get the box to pack my paintings in and I have spent a part of the day packing them. It has been very cold and tonight is still and cold with a fine aurora.

Sunday 18. Uncle Charles' family dined with us and after dinner they all came up to see my pictures.

Monday 19. It was foggy and rainy. When I came down got my pictures packed and left in the rain for the 9.15 train Left my box at the Express office. Sam Cuykendall rode down in the Dining room car with me and we talked all the way. Reached my Studio at 1. Recd an invitation to dine at the Delano's on Wednesday. Went with Fitch & Gifford to dine at Figux's. After dinner went to Vaux's and from there Vaux and I went to the club, where I paid my dues.

Tuesday 20. After breakfast went up and called on Eastman Johnson. On my return found my box of pictures here. It is very cold again. Dined at Vaux's and called on Mrs. Sawyer who is at Mr. Cranes. Fitch handed me a roll of paper as I was going out telling me it was from Mr. Durand. What was my delight in opening it to find it was his engraving of the "Ariadne" with his autograph. I immediately wrote Mr. Durand a note and tried to express my sincere pleasure in his remembrance of me.