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them to come over and spend the evening. They were going out however and could not come. Weir had just received a telegram from New Haven telling him his picture was sold for $1600 which was great good luck under the circumstances.

Thursday Apl. 9, 1874. Gertrude, Alice and I attended the Reception at the Academy last evening. It was crowded to excess in spite of the rain and a new and deep interest in the collection was evinced. Several pictures were sold during the day and the papers this morning speak most encouragingly. I went up there this morning and there were a good many people there notwithstanding the rain. Everything looks favorable for a prosperous season.

Tuesday Apl. 14. Weir and Robb Wilkinson dined with me this evening. I have been at work all day on a piece of perspective. The past week has been a depressing one. Nobody came to my studio and I begin to feel the old anxiety about money matters from which I have been free all winter. I called to see Moore who was not in but came to see me yesterday. He owes me $400 but I could get no promise from him after I had urged him beyond what my conscience allowed me. I went to see [[Snidear?]] today who owes me a small sum but he could not pay me. My pictures in the Academy do not sell. I made a mistake in not putting lower prices on them but I always do the wrong thing. I told Mr. Brown in charge of the gallery that if he had any inquiries I would take much less for any of them. I met The Hubbards from Buffalo in the gallery today. The Academy is doing splendidly. Many pictures have been sold and the receipts at the door are very encouraging, from two to three hundred dollars a day! There seems a real revival in art. The papers are encouraging. The Tribune has carefully written articles, one a day or two ago spoke in complimentary terms of me. I really feel however that I am not strongly represented in landscape this year much as I desired to be. I will look out for next year.