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ment he presents his hand and liberal ideas. I found him advancing many ideas with which I coincide. For instance he recommends the student to paint from the start and believes a great artist will be interested in all branches of the art. I am most eager to be at work and more particularly on figures. I commenced a little figure today for which Gertrude sat. I have an idea of a picture of a lady playing on the piano and a younger one listening in a thoughtful attitude. I think I shall be able to get models by and bye. Occasionally people will tell me of some one who would be pretty to paint. I hope to do a great deal in figures this summer. Wrote a long letter to Gussie this evening. Wrote to Gussie.

Friday 5th. Painted on my figure today. Laid in the figure at the piano. Am going to paint an open window opening down to the floor with a summer morning landscape outside. I want to call it a "Song of Summer" or something like that and mean to try to get the sentiment of a sweet summer morning. My Mother Gertrude and I went up to Valentines and got plants for the vase which with the pedestal came yesterday. Bowyer can by the train to go out trout fishing with my father and me. 

Saturday 6th. Bowyer and I went out on the river from Steep Rocks to try shad fishing with a fly. We had no success. Uncle Philip came while we were at dinner. Took my picture down in the parlor and painted in the piano working on it all afternoon. Wrote t Wilmurt ordering two frames for Coy Kendalls little pictures. Recd. letters from Whittredge, Sarony and Snedecor.

Friday 12. Bowyer and I went on Monday to Griswolds up near the head of the Rondout. We took Prince and the light wagon leaving here at 7 1/2 and went by way of Nawasing reaching there at 7 in the evening. The road from Nawasing was very bad the distance being 18 miles. We staid there two days and came home by way of Shokan shortening the distance at lease 12 or 15 miles and finding the road quite as good. I should never think of going any other way. We caught a nice lot of trout and brought some of them home. We were amused at Griswolds charge for our entertainment. We were there nearly three days with our horse and their charge was $2.50. I gave them $6 thinking it very cheap at that as it is a nice comfortable place to stay. We were caught in a rain coming home and got pretty wet.