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giving us each a slight sensation of lighting strike. We enjoyed the day exceedingly. 

Sunday Aug. 9th 1874. Major Wilkinson came up on Wednesday and on Thursday morning he and I started for Griswolds on the Rondout which place we reached by way of Shokan at 6 o'clock. We went the new road through the gulf but found it very rocky. We remained there fishing on Friday but caught only what we wanted to eat and came home Saturday around by Hills Mill which took no more time and was much better road. Our horse cut his foot going out and was a little lame returning giving me no little anxiety. Griswold and his wife after clearing their farm in the woods and living there 30 years are getting old and find they have to work too hard and want to sell out. They have no children and no one to help them and it is difficult to get help there. We had a very pleasant time but were caught in the rain coming home. We found Loeske here and Girard came up by the evening train. Wilkinson went home by the 6 o'clock train. Today I am spending my time watching apple thieves with a gun which I propose to use with fine shot on the first opportunity. Hey! Hey!  

Monday Aug 12. Sent 5. blocks to Putnams sons including one sent me to retouch. 

Sunday 16th. Closes a week of some anxiety in contrast to the happy frame of mind I have been in, mainly I think owing to there being so much confusion in the house and my feeling a sense of responsibility which I have not been under heretofore. Putnam sent me proofs of five of my drawings which are only tolerable. I was in hopes they would be much better. We hear from my father & mother in Hillsboro. They are enjoying their visit. I wrote them yesterday to stay as long as they wished. Calvert was to have come up on Friday and we were to have gone on Saturday on the hills north of Kingston, with a view of exploring the country but he did not come nor did he come last night as we expected. I must get to work for I am suffering from having no earnest work on hand. The season is coming now which suggest pictures and I must be thinking when I shall go. Wrote to Eastman Johnson at Nantucket to Stoddard and to Putnam about the proofs which I returned telling him I was not entirely satisfied with them but that they might seem more satisfactory after they were printed with the text in the book.

X Wednesday 19. Gertrude and I took Girards wife and baby out to her mothers today and Sara took Lory Stoddard over to Rhinebeck to meet his mother who took him home. It is very hot