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Personally appeared before me at my office in Houston, Texas, this 19th day of Nov., 1866, freedman Alexander Washington, who after being duly sworn deposes and says:

That Mr. John Kattey, who is living on Caney Creek below Columbia in Matagorda Co., about 25 miles from Matagorda, refuses to pay me according to contract. I commenced working on the 3d day of April, 1866, and left on or about the first day of November, 1866, about a week before I started to come to Houston, I went to the agent of the Freedmen's Bureau at Columbia asking him if he would make the said Mr. John Kattey to pay me my wages due, he told me that he could not do any thing for me as it was too far out of his district. The reason why I left was that as the crop was gathered and housed and nothing more to be done, I came away to see [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] about my money.
Alexander Washington. his X mark

(Sgd.) Charles Schmidt. 

Sworn to and subscribed to before me this day and date above mentioned. 
(Sgd.) J.C. De Gress
Sub-Ass't. Com'r. 

Official Copy:
J.C. De Gress
Sub-Ass't. Com'r.