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Dick Perkins case

Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau R.F. & A.L., State of Texas,
Houston, Texas, December 15th 1866

Major S.H. Lathrop
Actg. Asst. Comr Bu. R.F. & A.L.

I have the honor to respectfully state that the Sherriff of Harris Co. served on me a Warrant and demanded in the name of the State of Texas that Dick Perkins be turned over to him. "I refused to deliver him in the name of the U.S. on the ground that the Surgeon of this Post had made an examination of this boy and reported that he was not in a condition to be removed, and also that I could not deliver him without instructions from your Head Quarters." Please find enclosed copy of Report of the Surgeon. It is my opinion that this boy should be held, and can be under the provisions of the civil Rights bill, as he was thrown into a jail and his life endangered by not receiving the proper medical attention further that he was put in irons and hand cuffed on a illegal affidavit and delivered into the hands of a citizen and that citizen his worst enemy. I think this man should now