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me to take him home with me again.  As evidences of this, Neil came to me filthy & ragged and much hacked in appearance. Hence my effort to recover my child. The papers and action taken at the time, having been already submitted to you, can but return the same. Asking most earnestly that, you will grant me a 2nd hearing in this matter. I am confident could you know all of the circumstances connected with the case you would not hesitate long, before giving me my child. I have never contended for the earnings of this boy, but for the boy himself, as, he is, very desireous, to live with me. I must believe I am rightfully his Guardian for Hardy Brown and myself were never married, altho I urged him freequently to own me as his wife, which he would not do, after committing the deed or act, yet having made firm promises before Still, He wishes to hold my son, as his lawful Father I will from [[here?]] take occasin to notice the remarks made by Capt Horton in connection with this case. The foregoing part of his statement as to appearance before him He is correct, but when he says It appears upon investigation, that, the Mother and Boy started on to work for Mr Rugely the beginning of last year, It is a mistake entirely Mr Rugeley neither hired nor had any thing to do with me or my son and knows nothing of the transfer of Neil to Hardy Brown as, Mr Rugely was absent from home and had nothing to do with the matter. Neil was discharged by the man hiring him Consequently I placed him with Hardy for the remainder of the year 1866 - as stated before.