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Corpus Christi Apr. 23d 1867

1st Lieut. J T Kirkman
26th U.S. Inft. A A A G

A non-commissioned officer with ten men reported to me on the 19th inst. agreeable to Order No. 64 dated Galveston April 11th 1867, armed and equipped for duty. I have assigned them rooms for quarters, in the Court House, their being stationed here produces a very good effect, upon the would be refractory, and turbulent, and gives to the Freedmen, an assurance of protection, and confidence in the U.S. Government, that is pleasing to witness, and which they have much needed, - I think that this place should not be without U.S. troops, even the presence of there few are producing a very good effect, - and we need a Company, or two of Cavalry, to range between Corpus Christi and Rio Grande as theiving, robbery, and murder are of frequent occurance in that direction. I have this morning ordered an inquest to be held upon the body of an unknown person 25 miles from here that has been lying dead upon the prairie for several days. It appears that law and order cannot be established in this part of the country

[[left margin]]
Furnished Apr 29. 1867

Extract 8 Lt Taylor for his information [[/left margin]]