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without the aid of the U.S. troops, our laws are not well executed in fact they are a farce, as our District Judge, an inefficient man, with strong rebel proclivities, disqualified for holding the office by the Constitutional Amendment, as he was a member of the State Legislature, and engaged in the rebellion, raised a company in this place, and while in command of it, two Northern union men were inhumanely murdered without any kind of a trial, for attempting to make their escape off to the blockading vessels off Aransas Pass, near where the company was stationed, & I am informed that the Judge did not take an active part in the tragical affair, but was only too ineficient to prevent it.—
The community at large complain much of him as a Judge, and there are more suitable men within the District, that are, and have been truly loyal men "and of unwavering National principles" and such a man is Thomas H Striblin, of San Antonio, considered to be, by loyal men, and well qualified to honor the situation.——
I should not have turned your attention so much to this matter, only from the long acquaintance with this country, and the people, I think that the best interests of the people require it