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Corpus Christi May 2d 1867

T I Kirkman
A.A.A. Gen,——


I herewith acknowlede the receipt of Circulars No's. 11-12-13-14 & 15- 1867, and am happy to inform you that there is no need of issuing supplies for destitute or helpless persons in this District as contemplated by Circular No. 11 dated, Washington, April 3d 1867.- at this time are no destitute, or suffering, for the want of food,— the freemen in particular are supporting themselves by their industry, and some few are laying up money and building themselves houses,—

I have the names of fifty one (51) freedmen, that will be entitled to vote, all men of more than the general average of inteligence of freedmen—

There were polled in the County of Nueces, at an Election on the 25th June 1866- for State and County officers 200 votes, and it may not be increased, as I hear of many who say that they not intend to register,

The Mexicans are mostly loyal to the U.S. Government, and all who are entitled to