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Office Sub Asst Commissioner
Bureau R.F and AL
Austin Tx 30th May 1867

Lieut J.T. Kirkman
A A A Genl. Bu R.F and A L. State of Texas
I have the honor to report, that the freed girl, Evalene Groesbeck, mentioned in the enclosed communication, is living in the family of Doctor Phillips of this place, where she has been ever since she was two years old. Lieut Richardson, A. Sub. Asst Commr, has investigated the case, and found her well well clothed, well treated and receiving a school education with Doctor Phillip's own Children, She is 14 or 15 years of age unusually intelligent, and very desirous to remain in her present situation.
Doctor Phillips is a well known Union man, of high social standing in the Community, He states that while he should be glad to keep the girl in his family, he only holds her subject to the orders of the mother, or the Bureau, He is paying her $2 50/100 pr month and her board and clothes.
Your information gathered I believe her mother to be a very improper person to have charge of her.
I would respectfully recommend that she be allowed to remain
I am Sir
Very respectfully
Your Obedt Servant
James Oakes
Col 6" Cavy Bvt Brig Genl USA S.A.C.