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and no man objected: nor have the civil Authorities taken any action in the case.

In October 1866, three freedman were killed in Kaufman in one night: names of the freedmen were Alfred Jones Moses Shaw and Dicy Ereery. Parties implicated in the affair are A.T. Gardner (County Clerk) Jack Gray now residing in Jacksonville Cherokee County; Don, Gibs, and J.M. Barnet of this place

[[left margin]] push the matter Extract 2 [[/left margin]]

The civil authorities have paid no attention whatever to the numerous murders and outrages perpetrated upon the freedmen of this section. Even Edward Burton and John Hemby for whoes arrest his excellency Governor Throckmorton has offered Three hundred a pice (for murder committed in some county below) remain in this county in perfect safety. 

[[left margin]] Arrest them Extract 3 [[/left margin]]

I find a few good stanch men, of unswerving national principles: but they are so sadly in the minority as to have no controlling influence.

I will furnish a Tabular statement of the voting precincts: the names of Union men for Registers &c in very short time, for this county.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servt
A. Evans Sub Asst Commissioner