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Waco, Texas
Aug 21st 1867

Lieut J.T. Kirkman

Dr Sir:
I have been introduced to Mr. W.S. Reynolds of Waco, formerly of the State and City of New York.
Mr. R is a man of good intelligence, and his perception & discernment are well developed. He has, heretofore, been employed in N.Y. as a detective, just such a man as is needed in many portions of Texas.
Mr. R has talked with Capt. Sailor of A.Q.M department, & who knows this gentleman. For so short an acquaintance, I am most favorably impressed with Mr. R.
And bespeak in his behalf anything you can consistently do for him.
I refer you to Capt. Sailor

Very truly
B.W. Gray

I fully endorse the above letter 
James Jay Emerson
Capt 26 Infy
Comdg Post