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Kitchen and ordered him out. He refused to leave and Mr Gall took hold of him and pushed him out of the door. He attempted to return and Mr Gall struck him with a stick.

After Mr Gall left he gathered up a large stick and attempted to get in and at the same time used severe threats against Mr Gall

Zachariah his x mark Peter

Freedman Charles Barton being duly sworn deposeth and says that on the morning of the 18th March at Breakfast the Freedman Henry came and asked me what in the "Hell" I was doing there, and that he intended ruling things about that house I told him not, that I have charge of the Kitchen and that I intended to keep order that I was paid for it. Thereupon I went and told Mr Gall that I would have to leave the kitchen unless he made that man leave, thereupon Mr Gall Clk of the Hotel went in and ordered him to leave, he refused and Mr Gall pushed him out of the door. he attempted to return with a large club, which he had picked up in the yard.

Questions by the Agent of the Bureau
Did he use any profane language Ans He did One of the boys in the Kitchen asked him why he had cursed that woman the night before, he said he would curse any body in that house he pleased

Question Do you think he was intoxicated
Ans Yes

Question Where did this occur
It occurred at Drennans Hotel in Millican
Brazos County Tex

Charles his x mark Barton